Badger Sounds


I mentioned in my recent review that for BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad that I usually don’t pay much attention to the music when I watch movies or TV, unless of course it is part of the plot of the movie or show is musical in nature. With anime, for some reason, I do pay attention. I don’t know why, maybe it is because the first anime that I really go into as an adult was Cowboy Bebop and music does play a part in it  and that in turn makes me pay attention whenever I watch anime whether it significant to the plot or not.

That is not to say that at time the score or a particular song played in a show does not grab my attention. I remember going to see The Talented Mr Ripley with a friend and though the movie was good it was music that caught my attention more than Jude Law or Matt Damon’s acting. It was the same with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban though I guess Harry is a little different than Mr Ripley as I am a big fan of the books and had seen the previous two movies. It was just something about the music that caught my attention this time and that hadn’t happened the first two times. Prisoner, by the way, is my favourite out the movies and probably my second favourite book.

Now I have already mentioned that I am already susceptible to music used in anime but I have to make mention of one particular anime that this really stood out to me. It is a movie called Your Name and the music was supplied by a Japanese rock/pop band called Radwimps. This is, in my opinion, an almost perfect movie with the story, animation and music all working together in tandem to make it so. I actually bought the soundtrack to this movie because I enjoyed the music so much and have used three of the songs from it as my Song of the Day (see below).     

Now let move on from soundtracks as at times it is not the score but a song that will jump out at me as it elevates the scene in some way and makes you think or feel. Most recently that happened with me when I saw Deadpool 2. I guess I should give a spoiler warning here but near the end there is a sequence where Deadpool “dies” and is reunited with Vanessa, who had been killed at the beginning of the movie. While this is happening a-ha’s Take On Me is playing though it is an unplugged version of the song. Just the combination of what was happening and the song had me crying. It stuck with me so much so that I woke up with it in my head and I used that version of the song as my Song of the Day.

I found Amos Lee the same way when his song Colors was played during a scene near the end of the romantic comedy Just Like Heaven and to this day I still cry at the end of that movie because of that scene and that song. I have since bought just about all of his albums. Just Like Heaven also made me take more notice of Mark Ruffalo and the world is just so much better with him in it. This of course takes me back to the reason why I am writing this post as he is also the male lead of Begin Again and I have the song Lost Stars in my head for the last week or so. BTW I also own the soundtrack to that movie as well.  

Song Of The Day

The Badger’s Earworm


We have all had it happen to us as some point in time. You hear a song somewhere or maybe you wake up with in your head and it just sticks and won’t go away. It can get annoying especially if it is a song that you don’t particularly like. I once had Let It Go from Frozen in my head for a solid week and it is not a song that I like all that much, a like even less now.

Well anyway I’m in that position at the moment. For the last three days or so I have had the song Lost Stars by Adam Levine or Keira Knightley, which ever you prefer, from the movie Begin Again in my head. I woke up with it and it won’t leave. It’s rather odd because I have not watched the movie or even heard the song recently. It is also not a song that you hear regularly on the radio, actually I have never heard it on the radio.

It is times like these that I wonder if the world or whatever is trying to tell me something. I recently just finished watching the anime BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad and there are things in that speak to me. There are also some similarities between BECK and the movie Begin Again as they are both about music and finding your path/passion, whether it for the first time (BECK) or finding it again (Begin Again). Maybe it is a little serendipitous that I started watching this show and hearing that song. Maybe I have to find my path or return to it.

Maybe it is just my anxiety talking though. I do have a review tomorrow and I have also felt a little jumpy lately and my headaches and neck pain has also been playing up.

It is has been a while since I gave a wedding update so here goes. I have been forced to change the date due to money though it might end up screwing me over as the celebrant that had lined up for the original date may not be available for the new one and I really wanted this celebrant to marry us. Not just because he was offering his services for free but because I know him and he knows me and I would feel more comfortable being married by someone that I already consider to be a friend.

The new date, however, works well as my eldest niece who is one of the bridesmaids will be 18 which means she will be legal and able to drink.

Song Of The Day