
Following on from my post yesterday I thought I would talk about another fandom that I was involved in for a little while which was Avatar: The Last Airbender. In Australia it was call Avatar: The Legend of Aang. The show ran on Nickelodeon and the ABC but I mainly saw it on Nick. It was also another show that I would consider to be a gateway show into my current love of anime as though an American cartoon the animation was very anime like as well as locations and fighting styles.

It is another one of those shame on you shows if you have never seen or even heard about. I don’t remember the date or anything of when I first saw the show but I do remember the episode. My older brother and his family had come over for a visit and we changed the channel so the kids could watch cartoons while we all talked. We put it on Nick for them and though I don’t think the kids were all that interested I was. It was the second episode of the second season “The Cave of Two Lovers”. I think from then on I found the first season on iTunes and the rest is history.

I found a podcast called “From the Spirit World” and started listening to that where they analysed episodes and also compared it to other entities like Harry Potter. They also had a website called Dongbu Feng which I joined and was a member of. Eventually I stopped listening to them as I believed that took it a little too seriously and was over analysing the show to the point where the podcast was not really fun to listen to anymore.

If you have never seen the show then I will give you a little background. The show is set it a fiction earth like planet where the population is broken up into different groups. There is the Earth Kingdom, The Water Tribes, The Fire Nation and the Air Nomads and certain people within each group are able to bend and element within their group and then one person of all is called the Avatar and they are able to bend all the elements and is reincarnated into one of the four groups after they die and is able to access their past lives through meditation.

In the show we follow Aang who is a 12 year old Airbender who is the current Avatar. He went missing after finding out he was the Avatar. He and his pet sky bison, Appa, were placed in suspended animation for 100 years in an iceberg. During this time the Fire Nation started a war and wiped out all the Air Nomads, which makes Aang the Last Airbender. He then has to learn all the elements by the Summer Solstice so that he can beat Fire Lord Ozai and bring balance to the world.

The world is made of many interesting animals which are hybrids of our own including the badgermoles. The badgermoles are said to be the first earth benders and were the ones to teach humans the art. They were also who taught Toph, a blind earthbender who ends up teaching Aang earthbending. Below is song about badgermoles which appears in the episode “The Cave of Two Lovers”.

The series went for three seasons which were called books starting with Water then Earth and then Fire, as this is the way that Aang had to learn each ability. There then was a sequel which followed the next Avatar called Korra who is a Waterbender. She had 4 seasons starting with Air then Spirits then Change then Balance.

Song Of The Day

Geek Badger

I mentioned yesterday that I would have like to have spent my post talking about my interests instead of the craziness that is my sister. So instead I will do it today. I guess you could say that I am a geek and I wouldn’t take that as an insult at all. My boyfriend called me a geek a couple of weeks ago. Actually he called me a nerd and I corrected him. Nerd is a little more insulting in my mind.

I came late to my geekdom. I was probably more of a tomboy as I liked watching football, listening to music and reading trashy romance novels.  I was then introduced to Harry, through surprisingly enough my sister, she had read the book and thought I would be interested but I dismissed it because it was a kids book. She wanted to see the first movie and I went to see it with her and then I read the book. All over red rover from there.

I got involved in the online Harry Potter community and joined sites like Mugglenet and The Leaky Cauldron mainly theorising and a little Fan Fiction. I joined a smaller site called Godrics Hollow and mainly theorised there as well and I eventually became a moderator. It was also here that I found role play. I started out as a student character but eventually became a Professor and Gryffindor Head of House, that was what my character was and I what I considered myself to be at the time. I also dabbled in signature creation.



I also started collecting pieces of Harry Potter merchandise and memorabilia. I own a set of robes, Gryffindor but I hope to get a set of Hufflepuff ones as well, scarves, t-shirts, a school jumper, wands (Lupin’s and more recently Harry’s), film cells, action figures, the Scene It Game, Blu Ray box set and of course the books and audiobooks. I have also been to the Harry Potter Exhibition when it was in Sydney, Australia. I would love to also go to the theme parks but for that I will have get by boyfriend on a plane which is not going to be easy.

My love of Potter and my involvement on Godrics Hollow also lead me to another one of my loves which is anime which I think I will leave to another post.

Song of the Day

Twitchy Badger

I have decided to start this blog because I like to write and also because I have recently been diagnosed with a severe case of anxiety and also depression and I am hoping that I can use this blog as a bit of therapy.

I also believe that this would be a good writing project as I have not done a lot of it lately. I am a Role Player, mainly Harry Potter, but haven’t been able to find the right site to suit me yet. I ran my own for a while but I wasn’t able to garner many members and the members that I did have lost interest.

I guess in many ways it was because when I created the site I had a story to tell and wanted the members of the site to help tell the story. They were free to tell their own stories as well but I guess it might have been difficult or intimidating knowing there was an overarching story that was there from the beginning. I would still love to tell that story someday as I have been wanting to find a way of moving it out of JK Rowling’s world and in to its own.

I have to say having anxiety is not comfortable at all. My insides have been jumpy all day and it is really tiring me out. To be honest the fact that I have been able to focus enough to write this much is a miracle. Since I was diagnosed I have trying to think of ways to assist with it and it has come up with one thing and I am not sure that I am going to like it. I have given up soft drinks and anything that is carbonated like sparkling water, and this was before I was diagnosed, because it made me feel bloated. I am now thinking that I am going to have to give up coffee.

I don’t drink a lot of coffee in the first place. One cup a day is enough for me usually and that one cup I enjoy a lot but I have read that caffeine is not good for people with anxiety. So I think that I will give up that one cup. Milk and I are not the best of friends anyway but I will miss the latte that I have every morning.

Not giving up tea and chocolate though that is going a little too far. Below is a link to a site containing foods that both help and hinder with anxiety.

Have you noticed yet?

If you haven’t then shame on you. If you have here’s a gold star gold-star-symbol. I am a Hufflepuff and I am proud of it. I know we are looked down up on by those are knowledgeable about anything Harry Potter related. Admittedly I initially thought I was a Gryffindor, but I think most fans do as the hero of the story is, but the more I got into the series and the more I contemplated it the more I came to realise the badger that I am. Pottermore, I know I know, confirmed it for me and I couldn’t be happier. If I am hybrid then I am a Gryffinpuff or Huffledor. If you have no idea what I going on about below is a quiz that will sort you into your hybrid house. .

Song of the Day

For a while now on social media platforms I have been doing what I call my song of the day. I choose a song, find a clip for it and but it on the various social medias that I use. The songs are random, usually what is in my head when I wake up unless I have used it already and then I try to go with something different. There is no rhyme or reason for it just something that I like to do. I thought I might do it here as well